Our Story

The Coalition launched in 2015 with a steering committee of volunteer stakeholders. They saw a need to improve infrastructure and reduce traffic accidents. They acted.

The PRSC has fostered a space in which government officials and industry leaders can work together.

We’ve worked with the Texas Department of Transportation to prioritize infrastructure improvements. Our advocacy helped secure $1.8 billion in funding for roads in Texas. That included $676 million for Permian roads to be spent over one to three years.

We have a seat at the table today, and transportation officials often turn to PRSC for input about improvement planning.

Our community outreach campaign, “Goal Zero: A Day Without Accidents,” achieved just that – a day without accidents! It received the Houston Chapter of the American Marketing Association’s Crystal Award for best non-profit campaign.

PRSC officially became a 501(c)4 non-for-profit organization in 2018 and hosted its first Board of Directors meeting the following January. Soon after, we hired our first executive director and opened an office in the Permian region.

Many companies in the region have adopted our best practices – which include fatigue management, in-vehicle monitoring systems, and removing poor drivers from the road – to aid in coaching.

We’ve built an industry community focused on road safety. Our partners openly share information about incidents and challenges. They look out for one another.

Today, we host about four forums each year. About 150 people attend, and we continue to host monthly steering and working group meetings.

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