About Us

The Permian Road Safety Coalition is supported by a broad cross-section of stakeholders invested in improving road safety across the Permian Basin region of West Texas and Southeast New Mexico.

The PRSC is the only full-time not-for-profit organization focused on the issue of road safety in the Permian Basin. Over nine dollars of every ten donated to the PRSC are spent directly on road safety programs – returning tremendous value on stakeholders’ investments.

The PRSC’s coverage area is 27 counties of the world’s most prolific energy production area. Geographically, this area is larger than most states in the United States of America.

What We Do

The Permian Road Safety Coalition regularly convenes energy production companies, service companies, transportation companies, government agencies, and non-government organizations to leverage expertise and share best practices.

The PRSC collaborates on data-driven research and educates the broader community on the shared responsibility of road safety.

From improving our own personal driving habits to including the use of technology in vehicles, each of us plays a role in making the roadways of the Permian Basin safer.

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You are invited to join us – a coalition of like-minded citizens, businesses, and corporations working to make this a reality.

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