12/01/2023 | Press Releases

NEWS RELEASE: “The Choice is Ours”

Ellen K. Ramsey, Executive Director, Permian Road Safety Coalition

The Holidays are upon us, and many will travel our roads of West Texas and Southeast New Mexico to celebrate with friends and family. How safely we arrive at our destination is largely up to us. So, before your adventure begins, here is some helpful advice that can keep you and yours safe on Christmas Day, New Year’s Day, and every day that follows:

Buckle up every time. Seat belts save lives and wearing them while driving sets a great example for our next generation of drivers who might just be in your backseat.

Slow down and adjust to road conditions. Both the New Mexico State Police and Texas DPS tell us that excessive speed is the top contributor of fatalities on our Permian roadways. Slower speeds save lives – and gasoline and diesel!

No driver distractions. As we like to say here at PRSC, “Don’t Tech and Drive.” That means no selfies, texting, social media, or talking on your phone’s handset while your vehicle is in motion. Setup your road trip Holiday playlist before you leave home.

Be drug and drowsy-free behind the wheel. Impairment is another leading cause of traffic fatalities in the Permian Basin. Please appoint a designated driver, as needed, and make sure you plan your trip with an appropriate number of rest stops.

These are four easy things that each of us can do to be safer on the roadways. The choice is ours. I hope you have a wonderful Holiday season celebrating with the
ones who matter most to you.

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